GP Desiccants Co., LLC
Do it right. Quality is our pride.
GP Desiccants Co., LLC
Do it right. Quality is our pride.
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$3.1 million USD
2023 Revenue
Over 400 Active Buying
Over 80
Active Products
ISO 9001:2015/ISO 15378/FSSC 22000
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600 Tons
Monthly Capacity Output
Production Machines
Gia Phat Vietnam Established
Our portfolio encompasses an array of moisture absorbent products ranging from shipping containers, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, dried food, furniture, and garment to name a few.
Oxygen Absorber Sachets/Rolls
Bentonite Clay Desiccant
Silica Gel Desiccant/Rolls
Silica Gel Canisters
Container Desiccant Bags
Molecular Sieve Desiccant
Below is a brief overview of our popular products. Click on the photo to see more images.
Oxygen Absorber
Iron based solution, oxygen absorbers are quickly on the rise relative to demand for dried foods. This robust product come in various "cc" or cubic centimeters sizes. GP produces fast or slow types depending on customer preferences.
Sizes: 20cc, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 2000
Fast Absorbing: within a few hours, the sachet activates. Lasting approximately 72 hours
Slow Absorbing: Activates at a slower rate within 24 hours and has a steady absorption rate lasting nearly 96 hours (or more).
Industries: Dried food, bakery, snacksActivated Clay
Activated clay is derived from Bentonite and is processed into a granular form. The beads range from 2-4 mm in size. Activated clay is natural in its state and is considered not hazardous/dangerous. There is an increased trend of replacing traditional desiccant types with activated clay as it is eco-friendly.
Bead Size: 2-4mm Granular
Bag sizes: 1gram up to 1.5kg
Industries: Container Cargo, Garment, Semi-Conductors, Furniture, FoodSilica Gel
Silica Gel has been the mainstream moisture absorbent for many years. Very diverse and strong in its absorption ability. GP manufacturers a wide range of sizes & packaging types.
Sizes: 0.5 grams up to 2kg
Packaging: Cotton, Non Woven, OPP, and Tyvek® are commonly used
Industries: Pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, Dried food, furniture, garment, wood, and electronicsCanister & Rolls/Spools
GP has the ability to manufacture silica gel canisters & rolls. These are commonly used in Pharma/Nutra industries. GP is certified in ISO 15378 as well as FSSC 2200. We have dedicated clean rooms to operate at high standards requested by customers.
Canister sizes: 1gram to 3 gram
Rolls/Spools: Produce 0.5g, 1gram, 2gram, 3gram, 5gram, 10gram, and more (depending on qty) on a spool/Roll.
Industries: Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Garment, Electronics, FoodContainer Cargo Desiccant Bags
GP has an array of different types of container bags & different formulations. GP offers: Activated Clay & Calcium Chloride based solutions. We provide bags with hooks or strings based on customer preference
Absorption Rate: 100%, 200%, and 300%
Powder Type
Sizes: 500g to 2.5kg
Industries: Cargo Freight, Wood, Furniture, GarmentWHO WE ARE
Founded in 2002, Gia Phat Desiccant Manufacturer has built a foundation through consistency and service satisfaction.
GP Desiccants is your bridge to a host of solutions while also being certified in ISO 15378 and FSSC 2200.
"Do It Right. Quality Is Our Pride."
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